Thank you for contacting the Animal Legal Defense Fund. For more than four decades, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has been fighting to protect the lives and advance the interests of animals through the legal system. We work closely with law professionals to advance the emerging field of animal law and also share animal law volunteer opportunities with our attorney members.

To have your matter considered for circulation with the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s volunteer attorney network, please fill out the following form:

Legal Assistance Request
0 of 600 max words
Please provide a 1-2 paragraph overview of the matter with which you seek assistance. Additional details and documentation can be requested later should an attorney express interest in helping you. 600 word limit.
Please include as much information as possible about the opposing party/parties. First names, last names, phone numbers, physical addresses, business addresses, and any other information are all helpful.

Terms of Use: Unless otherwise advised, an Animal Legal Defense Fund attorney will not review your matter. Transmission of information through this form is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is not providing you with legal advice and has not agreed to represent you in this matter. Furthermore, the Animal Legal Defense Fund cannot guarantee that you will find legal counsel through its volunteer attorney network, or that any attorney in our network will offer to provide legal assistance pro bono, so you should continue searching for an attorney on your own. Please be aware that there may be statutes of limitation running as to any claims you may have, or other time periods in which you are required to act to respond to any lawsuits filed against you, so you should act promptly. Once you submit this form, you will be directed to a webpage with suggestions on how to find an attorney. By submitting this form, you are agreeing to allow the information provided by you above to be forwarded to the Animal Legal Defense Fund’s volunteer attorney network. You are urged to make your own independent investigation and evaluation of any attorney, as the Animal Legal Defense Fund does not endorse and is not able to review the standing of attorneys in the volunteer attorney network. Please note, when sending information to our volunteer attorney network, we may need to condense and edit your request for clarity and brevity. The Animal Legal Defense Fund cannot guarantee that the information you provide will remain confidential, so please do not provide any highly personal, sensitive, or incriminating information and use caution when deciding what information to provide.

By clicking Submit below, you agree to indemnify, defend, and hold the Animal Legal Defense Fund harmless from and against any and all liability and costs incurred in connection with any loss, liability, claim, demand, damage, and expenses arising from or in connection with the contents or use of this service.
