
Animal Legal Defense Fund: 2018 Year in Review

As 2019 approaches, we’re looking back at our biggest legal victories for animals over the last 12 months. In response to our lawsuits, courts struck down key provisions of unconstitutional Ag-Gag laws in Utah and Idaho. We filed a groundbreaking lawsuit arguing that animals have the right to sue their abusers in court. And we continued to fight the removal of tens of thousands of animal welfare records from the U.S. Department of Agriculture online database.

These are just a few highlights – watch the video from Executive Director Stephen Wells to learn about all the legal advances we made for animals in 2018 thanks to your support.

You Can Protect Animals

Since 1979, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has led the charge to win animals the legal protection they so desperately need—and deserve. Your generous gift will assure that we can continue to take on cases that advance the interests of animals.

