
Puppy Protection Act (Federal)

Federal Legislation

The Puppy Protection Act bans harmful practices in puppy mills and requires common-sense standards of care for commercial breeders.


January 10, 2024

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Breeding dogs and their puppies suffer from inhumane treatment, confinement, and neglect in puppy mills across the country. Commercial breeders often force dogs to live in small, stacked wire cages their entire lives, and deny dogs adequate veterinary care, proper nutrition, and socialization. The Puppy Protection Act (H.R. 1624) aims to improve conditions for dogs and puppies by prohibiting overbreeding and dangerous living conditions requiring larger enclosures and access to the outdoors, a consistent feeding schedule, prompt treatment of illnesses and injuries, and daily socialization. This legislation also protects retired breeding dogs by requiring breeders to make every effort to find humane placement for them.

The Puppy Protection Act is an important tool in combating cruel conditions at large-scale dog breeding facilities. Additionally, it will help protect consumers and animal guardians. Too often, families discover that the puppy they purchased is severely ill with little or no hope of recovery. Diseases, such as parvovirus and Campylobacter, are common among puppy mill dogs, and result in families incurring significant emergency veterinary bills to try, sometimes in vain, to help their recently purchased puppies.

The Puppy Protection Act is a bipartisan bill that was reintroduced this Congress by Representatives Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA), James McGovern (D-MA), and Jimmy Panetta (D-CA). Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL) is leading the companion to bill in the Senate, to be introduced at a later date. The Animal Legal Defense Fund strongly supports the Puppy Protection Act.

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