Showing 11-20 of 195
Helping Animal and Human Victims Alike Escape Domestic Violence (Rhode Island)
This bill updates existing Rhode Island law to help victims of abuse — both human and animal — safely flee abusive situations. -
Poison-Free Wildlife Act (California)
The Poison-Free Wildlife Act would place a moratorium on some of the most dangerous rodenticides — which cause widespread poisoning of wildlife — with limited exceptions. -
Humane Pet Store Bill (New Jersey)
This bill would prohibit the retail sale of dogs, cats, and rabbits in New Jersey pet shops. -
A Bill to Strengthen Cruelty Laws (Oregon)
This bill will both strengthen current cruelty laws and make it a crime to interfere with investigations into animal abuse and neglect. -
A Bill to Ban the Sale of Fur Products (Hawaii)
This bill would ban the sale of new fur products in Hawaii, reducing the demand driving the fur industry. -
Restricting Public Contact with Wild Animals (Pennsylvania)
This bill would restrict the public from feeding or having direct physical contact with wildlife without a separating barrier. -
The Mink Facility Disease Prevention Act (Illinois)
This bill would require monitoring and surveillance for zoonotic diseases on mink farms in Illinois. -
Oppose: Ag-Gag Bill to Criminalize Undercover Animal Cruelty Investigations (Kansas)
This bill would prohibit anyone from entering or remaining on and knowingly making false statements on an employment application to gain access to animal facilities. -
Oppose: An Act Relating to Taking of Bears (Florida)
This bill would allow Florida residents to shoot black bears if they feel threatened or they feel their property is threatened by the bear. -
Oppose: Ag-Gag Bill to Prohibit Photography (Kentucky)
This bill would make it a crime to operate a drone or other photography equipment over a Confined Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) — also known as a factory farm — or take any form of photography within a CAFO without the consent of the facility’s owner.