Showing 1-10 of 202
Pet Custody (Massachusetts)
Protects the best interests of a companion animal when a couple is splitting up by providing a framework for judges to use in determining care and custody of the animal. -
Breed Neutral Policy and Animal Cruelty Cross Reporting Bill (Massachusetts)
Massachusetts legislation would create a dog-breed-neutral policy, and remove dog breed prohibitions, related to placing a child in a foster or adoptive home; it also clarifies that human services employees can report animal cruelty. -
Civil Immunity Bill “Good Samaritan Rule” (Washington)
Provides civil immunity for rescuing at-risk companion animals and vulnerable people locked in cars. -
Octopus Farming Ban (New Jersey)
In recognition of the “advanced cognitive abilities” of octopuses, An Act prohibiting the aquaculture of any species of octopus for the purpose of human consumption (S.3914/A.5078) seeks to prohibit octopus aquaculture, also known as octopus farming. -
A Bill to Ban Wild Animals in Circuses (Washington)
Prohibits the use of certain wild animals in circuses and traveling animal acts in Washington. -
Providing Shelter to Companion Animals in Disasters (Washington)
This bill would require counties or cities in Washington to designate emergency shelters that can accommodate companion animals. -
Ensuring Wildlife Connectivity Act (Washington)
The bill would protect wildlife from vehicle collisions and prevent habitat fragmentation by providing safe corridors, such as over- and underpasses. -
Laws with animal cruelty added to their definitions of “coercive control”
2024 U.S. Animal Protection Laws State Rankings -
Pigs and Public Health Act (Federal)
This bill aims to reduce the number of nonambulatory or ”downed” pigs — pigs who cannot stand or walk unassisted — in the food system. -
Courtroom Animal Advocate Program (Michigan)
Courtroom Animal Advocate Program (CAAP) laws allow advocates — supervised law students or volunteer lawyers — to advocate for animal victims in criminal cruelty cases.