Hold factory farms accountable for abusing animals
This action is for U.S. residents only
In September 2021, the Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a False Claims Act lawsuit against Holden Farms, a Minnesota pig breeding facility, after undercover footage exposed extreme animal cruelty and alleged illicit conduct, including feeding dead piglet intestines and bodily fluids blended into a ‘slurry’ with pig feces to mother pigs — a practice the animal agriculture industry calls “feedback.” This case has been under seal until now while the Department of Justice reviewed it.Sign our petition below demanding Congress address the unacceptable industrywide animal cruelty and human health risk routinely occurring in U.S. facilities such as Holden Farms.
Dear Member of Congress:
I stand with the Animal Legal Defense Fund and find the cruelty exposed in the Animal Outlook undercover investigation at Holden Farms indefensible and a substantial health risk. The industrial animal agriculture industry must be held accountable for abusing animals, breaking the law, and putting the public at risk.
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Lawsuit Filed Against Pig Breeder Holden Farms Related to Feeding Dead Piglets’ Intestines and Feces to Mother Pigs and Other Offenses
Animal Legal Defense Fund filed a false claims lawsuit against Holden Farms. Allegations include violating federal and state laws banning “garbage feeding” and state animal cruelty law.August 10, 2023 Press Release -
Fourth Circuit Enjoins North Carolina Ag-Gag Law
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit handed an important win to plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging North Carolina’s Ag-Gag law, ruling that undercover investigations and whistleblowing are considered newsgathering activities protected by the First Amendment.February 23, 2023 Press Release -
Short Film Released Following Three Appellate Court Decisions Concerning Ag-Gag Challenges
Edie Falco narrates the Animal Legal Defense Fund film demanding transparency in factory farmingSeptember 14, 2021 Press Release