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Animals in Entertainment
Travel, confinement, and being forced to perform tricks deprive wild animals of anything that might satisfy their complex physical, behavioral, and emotional needs. Their lives constitute abuse as entertainment. -
Animal Legal Defense Fund Nominated for Best Law Website in the 23rd Annual Webby Awards
The Animal Legal Defense Fund, the nation’s preeminent legal advocacy organization for animals, is nominated for Best Law Website in the 23rd annual Webby Awards. The New York Times describes the Webby Awards as the “Internet’s highest honor.”April 8, 2019 Press Release -
Tell Craigslist to Shut Down Animal Sales
Though Craigslist has officially banned the sale of companion animals, animals are routinely sold on its platform. Farmed animals including pigs to dogs and cats to lizards and snakes continue to be advertised and purchased on Craigslist under the guise of “re-homing.” -
Fur Sale Bans
The fur industry kills more than 100 million animals every year. Most of these animals, including minks, foxes, and chinchillas, endure extreme cruelty before being slaughtered. Help protect these animals by passing a fur sale ban in your city or county. -
Supporting Industrial Animal Agriculture Whistleblowers
Whistleblower campaign encourages industrial animal agriculture workers to confidentially report animal abuse, worker safety, and more amid the COVID-19 pandemic. -
Using Local Legislation to Protect Animals: Fur Bans
Learn how to fight back against the cruel fur industry by passing a fur ban in your community! Led by Animal Legal Defense Fund Campaigns Manager Elizabeth Holtz, this webinar will walk you through the mechanics of fur production, the policy issues, including animal cruelty, environmental impacts, and public health, and more. -
How to Advocate for Animals With or Without a Law Degree: Lobbying for Animals
Animals can’t vote, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice in the political process — you can give animals that voice!June 2, 2020 Webinar -
Humboldt County Agrees to Prioritize Nonlethal Solutions to Urban Wildlife Conflict
Reforms emphasize coexistence with coyotes and other wildlifeMay 5, 2020 Press Release -
Lobbying 101: Advocacy in a New Era 2020
Animals can’t vote, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have a voice in the political process -- you can give animals that voice!May 7, 2020 Webinar